What EL.AS is investigating – the Mafia murder of Zialia and the execution of Albanos in Paleo Faleiro.

Christos Gialia's business and other activities in Albania are being investigated by police for possible links to the murder in Mantra.

At the same time according to his information Inside Yesterday's Mafia execution Police are very seriously considering the possibility of connection with the November 30 killing of 56-year-old Albanian Timi Troponiku in Paleo Faliro.


In this case, it is being investigated whether the Gialia execution is related to the war on cigarette smuggling or the activities in the neighboring country.

According to Albanian media, Gialias and Timi Troponiku had some kind of cooperation, claiming that the 59-year-old Greek businessman was the unofficial partner of the 56-year-old Albanian.

Jobs in Albania

They say that the Gyalias carried out various commercial activities in Albania, such as the meat trade, paints, and buying and selling real estate, but also imported and exported goods from Latin American countries with Athens as a transit station.

Christos Gialia's ties to Albania were not limited to the business sector, as his second wife was from Elbasan, with whom he also had a child.
We remind you that his first wife, already divorced, was murdered outside his home in 2018 with two bullets to the head. Robbery is said to be responsible for the murder.

Who is Timi?

0 As Timi Troponiku (also known as Timi Prifti among the authorities), a former HEL.AS occupant, was charged in May 2023 with smuggling cigars and 700 grams of cocaine. His Greek associates have been charged with other crimes in addition to drug cases.

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Also, in 2004, he was accused of smuggling a kilo of heroin.

A few years ago, he also took part in owning a coffee shop while he was not working recently.

ALARM IN EL.AS. – “A very serious case”

And according to the information of those days presented by Vassilis Lambropoulos, they suspected that his murder might be related to some kidnapping.

At the same time, as he revealed at the time, the murder of the 56-year-old is being classified by the police as a very serious case for various reasons, while it may be related to previous police investigations into it. The authorities investigating the case are going very carefully.

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