Italy: Mother who left her 18-month-old child alone at home and died – life sentence!

The mother died after leaving her 18-month-old child home alone for a week. Today, an Italian mother was sentenced to life in prison for criminal abandonment.

Italian Alessia Piferi was sentenced to life in prison by a Milan court today for criminally abandoning her 18-month-old daughter at home. Little Diana died in her crib on July 18, 2022. Her mother left her alone for a week, with only a bottle and a bottle of water.

She left the child alone to meet her partner – ‘My daughter forgot she was a mother,’ says the child’s grandmother

Magistrates found that Piffry had premeditated the crime, but that he had left little Diana alone on other occasions, for at least forty-eight hours at weekends, to visit a man with whom she was in a relationship.

What did the court decide?

At the same time, the Italian judge ruled that the 38-year-old woman did not suffer from a psychotic syndrome, but that she “grew up with a complete lack of moral and educational references.” She was sexually abused at an early age, did not complete compulsory schooling, and did not work. “My daughter forgot that she is a mother and she has to pay for what she did. If only he had repented… but he didn’t,” Diana’s grandmother told reporters.

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