K. Mitsotakis on TikTok About Maternity Allowance: Nine months of government support for all mothers wherever they work

“Two days ago, the relevant platform was opened and all nannies, regardless of where they work, receive state support for nine months,” he points out. Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis In his message A TikTok post about maternity pay.

It mentions, in particular:

“Let me tell you an absurdity in less than a minute: if a woman becomes a mother and is a government employee, she gets 9 months of maternity allowance, if she is a private employee for 6 months, they are self-employed. For three and a half months.

Now is not the time to explain why this happened.

But we decided to change that, because supporting the population is our first priority.

Two days ago, the corresponding platform was opened and all nannies, regardless of where they work, receive state support for nine months.

Add to this the birth allowance, which has increased from 2,000 to 2,400 euros to 3,500 euros and is retroactive.

This means young families in practice receive 1,000 euros per month for nine months.

Somehow Greece now ranks second among all OECD countries in terms of maternity support, a distinction that certainly makes us very proud.”


Maternity Allowance!

♬ Original Sound – Kyriakos Mitsotakis

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