Earthquake just now in Amphilochia – felt in many areas – Newsbomb – News

EARTHQUAKE NOW: An earthquake measuring 4.2 on the Richter scale struck nearby Ettologernania just after midnight (Tuesday 9/4) at 00:59, according to the European-Mediterranean Seismological Society's (EMSC) automated solution. In Amphilochia.

The Focal depth of earthquakeAccording to EMSC's first estimate, 5 km.

A perfect one centerpiece Vibration is observed 9 km south-west of Amphilochia.

4.1 Richter from geodynamics

H Revised solution of the Geodynamic Institute of the Athens Observatory Earthquake gives 4.1 RichterThe focal depth is 13.1 km, and a focal point 3 km west-northwest of Amphilochia.

The earthquake was of short duration but was felt in many areas.

See the earthquake recorded in the gallery Seismogram of the Seismic Network of the Geodynamic Institute of the National Observatory of Athens, Where is The tetracomo is placed in Artas.

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