WHO declares global emergency

A state of emergency – for the second time in two years – has been declared by the WHO due to the spread of monkey pox (Mpox).

The World Health Organization has declared outbreaks of monkey pox (Mpox) in Congo and other parts of Africa a state of emergency.Cases in children and adults have been confirmed in more than a dozen countries and the new form of the virus is spreading.

Earlier this week, Africa’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced this Outbreaks constitute a public health emergencyWith more than 500 deaths, it called for international aid to prevent further spread of the virus.

«This is a matter of concern for all of us… The possibility of further spread beyond Africa and beyond is very worrying.” WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said.

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Also known as monkeypox virus, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Africa Monkey diseaseIt has been detected in 13 countries this year and more than 96% of all cases and deaths are in the Congo.

Cases have increased by 160% and deaths by 19% compared to the same period last year. So far, more than 14,000 cases have been registered and 524 people have died.

“We are now in a dangerous situation for many neighboring countries (mpox) in and around Central Africa.”said Salim Abdul Karim, a South African infectious disease expert who chairs the KEELPNO Africa Emergency Committee.

He noted that it was a new version of mpox spreading from the Congo The mortality rate appears to be around 3-4%.

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