Trump: “Bitcoin represents freedom, sovereignty and independence”

The Republican recently changed his mind about these intangible natural resources against cryptocurrencies when he was president.

Republican candidate Donald Trump has become a cryptocurrency evangelist, promising that if re-elected to the White House for a second term in November, he would be “the pro-innovation, pro-Bitcoin president that America needs.”

“Bitcoin represents freedom, sovereignty and freedom against government coercion and control by the Biden-Harris administration,” Trump said during a cryptocurrency conference in Nashville, Tennessee.

The former resident of the White House promised that if he wins, he will not only own “100%” of the bitcoins held by the “US government”, but also make the digital currency “a hard core of national strategic reserves”.

«This will be the policy of my government,” he promised, urging US cryptocurrency holders to “never sell” their bitcoins.

The Republican recently changed his mind about these intangible natural resources against cryptocurrencies when he was president.

“If we don’t adopt cryptocurrencies and bitcoin technology, China will accept,” he reiterated. “America’s destiny is to outsmart its adversaries and not outsource our industries to anyone,” he blasted.

However, he acknowledged that mining (“mining”, confirming transactions for payment) and “production” of bitcoins and blockchain chains would require “massive amounts of electricity”.

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